Climate NS (Non-Slump) Adhesive/Sealant for Survivable Buildings


A non-slump formula for wood frame construction, CLIMATE NS Adhesive/Sealant was developed in response to the substantial loss of life and property experienced in violent weather related to climate change.  More than 90% of residential structures are constructed using nailed, light wood frame methods.  Wind events have been overwhelming to traditional nailed structures, but beads of Climate Adhesive applied at the interfaces between lumber framing and plywood sheathing can increase the structural integrity of a home by two to three hundred percent.  This is accomplished without deviating from the Uniform Building Code.  Adhesive laminated roof sheathing, and rafter connections.  

Adhesive laminated roof sheathing, rafter connections, and shear walls bonded to sill plates and foundations will substantially increase the survivability of residential buildings.  

Climate distributes the energetic “load path” uniformly over the entire exterior surface of a wood building.  It prevents stress from accumulating at various point-loaded connections.  Climate’s exceptional elastic properties allow energy to dissipate throughout the building and recover to the original bond position.  Nails alone pull out and never recover.
